As the regional infrastructure ages and additional users are added to rail and road systems, ongoing condition inspection is critical to maintaining a safe and expanding system.
VN Engineers has actively supported bridge and facility inspection as a certified DBE and WBE sub-consultant for over 36 years, including biennial bridge and tunnel inspections, as well as, airport and structural inspections.
Our field professionals use the latest technology to produce accurate inspection notes and use wireless internet access to stay in touch with the office and directly with clients.

VN Engineers, Inc. was a subconsultant to B&H Engineering for the John F. Kennedy International Airport Sign and High Mast Light Structures – 2007 Condition Survey. This project consisted of the Condition Survey of the High Mast Lighting Structures and Radio Communication Towers at the airport. VN Engineers’ responsibilities consisted of assisting B&H in the report preparation utilizing AUTOCAD 2004.