
VN Engineers offers over ten years of experience providing design services and program management for design-build projects along the east coast spanning from Rhode Island to Florida. The VN Engineers design-build (DB) team begins by fully understanding the base technical concepts, works closely with both designers and contractors to identify value added ATC’s and has the staff dedicated to the accelerated schedule submissions.
Van Wyck Expressway
The New York State Department of Transportation is implementing a design-build project to widen the Van Wyck Expressway (VWE). The purpose of the project is to provide increased vehicular capacity on the VWE between the Kew Gardens Interchange and JFK Airport to improve access to and from the airport. In addition, the project will address operational, geometric, and structural deficiencies on the VWE between the Kew Gardens Interchange and JFK Airport. The VWE is the major transportation corridor providing access to and from JFK Airport, which is a major international gateway to the United States, with 70 carriers serving 100 international nonstop destinations. The VWE also serves as the major route for commercial truck traffic to get to and from the airport, with trucks accounting for 8 percent of morning peak volume and 5 percent of evening peak volume on I-678.
As part of the design-build team VN Engineers is a subconsultant to HDR and providing multiple services including temporary lighting and signals design during construction as well as permanent lighting and signals design. Additionally, VN Engineers is developing 3D models of bridge structures, roadway and surface elements.
Project Owner: HDR/NYSDOT

Penn Station Access Study
The Penn Station Access Project will provide Metro-North customers with service into and out of Penn Station by diverting some New Haven Line (NHL) trains via Amtrak’s Hell Gate Line (HGL). The project will require the design and construction of additional passenger tracks within Amtrak’s HGL right of way, allowing Metro-North trains running on the NHL to go directly into Penn Station. In addition to providing a new service option for its customers, these additional tracks will also enhance Metro-North’s network resiliency, support faster recovery efforts and facilitate its ability to maintain acceptable levels of service when faced with planned and unplanned service disruptions, severe weather events and other emergency situations.
VN Engineers is responsible for utility coordination which includes identifying the over 50+ utility owners, obtaining as-builts, identifying conflicts with the proposed design, identifying constraints with the proposed utility upgrades and the railroad, coordinating with utilities and designer for all proposed adjustment, connections and relocations.
Project Owner: HNTB/Metro-North

Route 8 Bridgeport Bridge Rehabilitation
Route 8 was the first design-build project performed in Connecticut which consisted of the rehabilitation of four bridges which carry Route 8 over Lindley Street, a parking lot, and a Capitol Avenue in the City.
VN Engineers was responsible for the development of the conceptual plans for the roadway, signalization, maintenance and protection of traffic and lighting design for the replacement of two separate bridges along RT 8.
VN Engineers was also involved with the public outreach for this project. Responsibilities included developing the website and ongoing site maintenance. VN Engineers worked collectively with the CME and CTDOT to develop this site to meet the specific needs of this design-build project. Efforts included weekly updates and website migration from contractor-focused to consumer-focused site as project progressed.
Project Owner: CME Associates/CTDOT

SR-9/I-95 Spanish River Interchange
The I-95 at Spanish River Boulevard design-build project consisted of the construction of the new Spanish River Boulevard Interchange from Spanish River Boulevard to Yamato Road (3.8 miles). The new interchange located between the I-95 and Glades Road Interchange and the I-95 and Yamato Road Interchange provides direct access from Spanish River/FAU Boulevard to northbound and southbound I-95. The project also included the addition of auxiliary lanes on I-95 from Glades Road to Peninsula Corp. Drive (Congress Avenue Exit) in both directions, and cross street improvements to Yamato Road, Spanish River Boulevard, and FAU Boulevard. The project also included constructing 13 bridges between Spanish River Boulevard and Yamato Road with signalized intersection improvements. VN Engineers was involved on the program management portion of the contract focusing on signing and marking, lighting and signalization components. VN Engineers supported all phases of the procurement process by preparing Request for Qualification documents, Request for Proposal documents, and all submittal reviews. VN Engineers also advised FDOT on the best value scoring and weighting criteria.
Project Owner: EAC Consulting/FDOT District IV

(Images courtesy Florida Department of Transportation)
Route 34 Downtown Crossing Phase 1 & 2 Design Phase 2 & 3 Project Management New Haven, CT
The Downtown Crossing is a City of New Haven infrastructure project that rebuilds the former Route 34 expressway into a system of urban boulevards, reestablishes the urban street grid by reconnecting the city streets, and reclaims portions of land that had long been unavailable for development due to the expressway right-of-way. Streetscape plans feature the inclusion of a bicycle infrastructure with dedicated bike lanes, upgraded pedestrian crosswalks, and new traffic signals equipped with state-of-the-art controls designed to improve traffic flow.
Phase 1: From Expressway to Urban Boulevards. Phase 1 was completed in 2016 and rebuilt the former Route 34, converting the route from an expressway into an urban boulevard system comprised of two one-way roadways. The driving lanes on MLK Jr. Boulevard and South Frontage Road were narrowed and the speed limit lowered. Below-grade roads were constructed to serve as access roads to and from the Air Rights Garage, over which College Street was reconstructed with bicycle and pedestrian-friendly improvements.
Phase 2: Orange Street Reconnected to South Orange Street. This phase reconnected Orange Street to South Orange Street with an at-grade intersection and includes roadway improvements that support bike and pedestrian use. Phase 2 also includes infrastructure adjustments that will allow a mixed-use development of residential, office, ground level retail, and public spaces to be built. All project elements were designed to New Haven Complete Streets standards and support economic development in New Haven.
VN Engineers scope of work included developing construction documents including design plans, specifications, and cost estimates for illumination design and two traffic signals. In addition, the VN Team provided plan review support for Roadway, Traffic, Signalization, Illumination, MPT and Structures components. Other responsibilities include providing public outreach services for the Project Management of Phase 2 & 3. This includes the development and management of a dynamic website that includes daily/weekly updates as well as coming up with new innovative methods such as creating drone videos for effective connection with the public.
Project Owners: City of New Haven/HNTB
FDOT District IV Design-Build SR-9/I-95 Widening from St. Lucie/Indian River County Line to North of SR 60/ Osceola Blvd. Indian River County, FL
VN Engineers provided design services as a subconsultant to C3TS for widening of SR9 /I-95 SR70/ Okeechobee Road to South of SR 614 / Indrio Road, in ST. Lucie County. VN Engineers was responsible for the signing and pavement marking, lighting and signalization design for the interchanges at SR 68 and SR 70. Both of these interchanges were reconfigured to allow for improved traffic flow and ramp access. VN provided signal design services for the following six intersections:
There are six intersections that VN prepared signal designs for:
- I-95 southbound off-ramp to SR-70
- I-95 northbound off-ramp to SR-70
- SR-70 and Jenkins Rd.
- Intersection of I-95 southbound off-ramp to westbound SR-68 and westbound SR-68 to I-95 southbound on-ramp
- Eastbound SR-68 to I-95 northbound on-ramp
- SR-68 and Kings Hwy.
The lighting design portion of this project was coordinated with the I-95 mainline design and the existing high mast lights were removed and replaced with conventional lighting. The project scope included the resurfacing and widening of SR-70 / Okeechobee Rd and SR 68 / Orange Ave.
Project Owner: C3TS/FDOT District IV

RIDOT Reconstruction of Route 6/10 Interchange Providence, RI
This design-build project is located in Providence, Rhode Island. It includes the staged reconstruction of Route 6, Route 10 and the associated ramps, turning roadways, impacted City Street, along with reconstruction of bridges, retaining walls and other structures. The project also includes the demolition of nine bridges and the construction of eight new bridges. Program work includes bridge and retaining wall demolition, roadway reconstruction, illumination, bicycle facilities, retaining wall construction, drainage construction, landscaping construction, intelligent transportation systems, utility relocation, handling and disposing of contaminated materials, and installation of traffic signals.
Phase II responsibilities included assisting CME and RIDOT with the development of RFQ and RFP documents related to utility identification and coordination, Amtrak coordination and identification of project requirements related to Amtrak as well as highway and pedestrian illumination. Determination as ROW impacts, temporary easement requirements and assistance with ROW procurement and roadway lighting design parameters.
Phase V responsibilities included assisting with the management of the proposal process leading to a project award. VN assisted by attending prospective bidder presentations and reviewing alternative technical concept submittals related to Amtrak, utilities, rights of way and illumination. VN also assisted in preparing responses to RFI’s during the proposal process.
VN Engineers currently providing design services during construction.
Project Owners: CME Associates/RIDOT