VN Engineers Plays Key Role in Reconstruction of I-95 Interchange 14 and 15 in Norwalk, CT
Design Services: Sub-consultant to Lochner
VN Engineers was responsible for Preliminary and Final Traffic Engineering Design Services for the reconstruction of I-95 Interchange 14, Norwalk, CT.
Our Design Team conducted capacity and network analyses utilizing Synchro, SimTraffic, and HCS software programs. They designed four interconnected traffic signals, including required revisions to an existing utility pole mounted hard wire traffic signal interconnect system. The signals are located on Route 1 (Connecticut Avenue), within a coordinated traffic signal system to the north and to the south of the project limits. Notable intersection improvements include the incorporation of exclusive left turn lanes and associated protected and permitted phasing patterns. Revised intersection time splits were installed to minimize delays, reduce fuel consumption and emissions. The team documented existing and design year traffic analysis levels of service in a traffic analysis report with supporting calculations. They also prepared time of day timing patterns for peak and off peak periods. A traffic signal interconnect plan was developed to depict required work of the existing utility pole mounted interconnect. The plan detailed the installation of a new utility pole mounted interconnect to address the geometric roadway widening of the Route. VN Engineers also coordinated several overhead utilities to facilitate pole relocation work that met the needs of all vested utilities in a dense urban environment. Detailed estimates and special provisions were prepared.
VN prepared preliminary and final ground mounted and overhead signing plans, including guide signs regulatory signs and warning signs, as well as any other signs required for the freeway corridor, ramps and local streets. Permanent pavement markings were designed and quantities, special provisions and proposal estimate were developed.
Community Outreach/Public Involvement/Construction Inspection: Sub-consultant to HAKS
VN Engineers is also providing construction inspection services for this project as well as the development and on ongoing maintenance of the I-95 Norwalk Exit 14 and 15 Improvement Project website ( Functioning as the main site to communicate with the local residents, business, and the driving population the site describes the project and ensures that all traffic detours and potential impacts on drivers are shared with the general public. The site includes a historical view of the projects site from the ground breaking ceremony to the current month's progress.
Due to its effective and simple to navigate structure, CTDOT recently recognized VN Engineers' web design services as a model for current and future CTDOT projects.