Project Owner:


Services: Design

The purpose of the project was to address safety concerns associated with congestion and operational deficiencies at the I-91 northbound Interchange 29, which routinely experiences significant traffic delays and above average crash frequency.

The improvements included widening I-91 northbound to extend the four-lane travel section from Interchange 27 to Interchange 29 to relieve congestion, address significant safety concerns, and provide an efficient I-91 to I-84 connection. Other improvements included the removal of the existing ramp at I-91 northbound Interchange 29 and providing a major diverge south of the I-91 bridge over Route 15 to address the existing adverse vertical grade and limited capacity of the existing ramp.

VN Engineers responsibilities on this project included traffic analysis utilizing Highway Capacity Software and design of maintenance & protection of traffic staging and detour plans. Other responsibilities include the design of signing and markings.