QM-40/QM-18, Rehabilitation of the Tunnel Walls, Roadway and Manhattan Exit Plaza at the Queens Midtown Tunnel

Merritt Parkway Resurfacing, Safety and Bridge Improvements, Fairfield & Trumbull, CT
VN Engineers, Inc. is currently provided construction engineering and inspection services to prime consultant, STV on this Merritt Parkway Resurfacing, Safety and Bridge Improvements, Project Numbers 50-204 and 144-180. This project consists of the Resurfacing of the Merritt Parkway, both Northbound and Southbound along with safety and bridge improvements from Congress Street to the Route 8 interchange. This stretch of the roadway is approximately 9 miles long. Safety improvements included: Shoulder widening, the replacement of existing guide railing with Merritt Parkway Guide Rail, the removal of trees and rock ledges too close to the roadway, and the installation of a single unit concrete curb and gutter system along the median. Project 50-206 involves replacement of Bridge No. 743 over Mill River.

Replacement of the Sikorsky Bridge Over Housatonic River, Milford/Stratford, CT State Project No. 83-216
VN Engineers is currently providing construction engineering and inspection services for this project. Contract E, located in New Haven, consists of the reconstruction of the I-95/I-91/Route 34 Interchange to accommodate lanes from the new Pearl Harbor Memorial Bridge (Q-Bridge) and improve interstate-to-interstate travel. The project extends 1,600 meters (1 mile) along I-95 from the western project limit at Interchange 46 (Sargent/Long Wharf Drive) to the eastern project limit at approximately East Street, and 1,100 meters (3,500 feet) along I-91, between Ivy Place and Route 34. The reconstruction will provide three travel lanes on I-95 through the Interchange and elimination of the left lane exit and entrance ramps and provide a two lane connection to I-91. Included in the reconstruction are twenty one new or modified bridges and twenty one retaining walls. To be more specific, I-91 over Chapel Street, I-91 over Wooster Street on-ramp to I-95 northbound, multiple crossings over Water Street, Route 34 westbound over Brewery Street, and I-95 over Canal Dock Road. Sargent Drive, from Canal Dock Road to Brewery Street will be realigned. Looping ramps adjacent to Sargent Drive/Brewery Street will be removed. Water Street, from East Street to Brewery Street, will be widened to two lanes in each direction. The Wooster Street on-ramp to I-95 north will be retained. Full shoulders, a new median barrier, drainage, signing, and lighting will be provided throughout the project.