Rehabilitation of Bridge No. 04546 Tomlinson Avenue over the Quinnipiac River, Plainville, CT
This bridge was constructed in 1968 and there is no record of the structure being rehabilitated at any point. The bridge has two vehicular lanes and no sidewalks. VN Engineers scope was created under the assumption the bridge would be replaced with a new multiple cell precast concrete box culvert.
VN Engineers responsibilities included the preparation of a subsurface exploration program to determine the location of the proposed soil test borings. The project required four soil borings. VN Engineers Laid out and observed test borings in the field. Assessed the presence of potentially deleterious, chemically active or corrosive material or condition or presence of hazardous/toxic substance. Evaluated the geological structure affecting bridge approach foundations. Evaluated site seismic activities, liquefaction and earth related design criteria. VN also Evaluated subsurface exploration data, field and laboratory test results. Made necessary studies and analyses of foundation conditions for the proposed structure. Prepared geotechnical report and made recommendations for foundation type and dewatering. Collected and analyzed samples of stream bed materials.

Saugatuck River Bridge Rehabilitation, Westport, CT.
VN Engineers, Inc. was hired as geotechnical consultants for the Rehabilitation of the MNR Saga Bridge over the Saugatuck River in Westport CT. This project involved rehabilitation and partial replacement of the existing structure piers and foundations. VN Engineers reviewed existing geotechnical data pertinent to the project and coordinated the final subsurface soil exploration. Supervision of the drilling operations was provided along with field inspections of site soil and bedrock. Preparation and laboratory analysis of soil and bedrock samples collected at each pier structure. Concrete cores of existing masonry piers and abutments were also collected and tested for compressive strength.
A Geotechnical report was provided summarizing the findings from the laboratory analysis, historical data, and also provided recommendations addressing constructability issues regarding site conditions such as the use of cofferdams and tremie concrete to manage the river’s significant tidal fluctuations.

Hartford Busway New Britain, CT
VN Engineers, Inc. was hired as geotechnical consultants for the southern portion of the proposed Busway between New Britain and Hartford Connecticut. This project involved rehabilitation to existing structures along the proposed Busway alignment as well as the construction of a new bridge over route 175 in New Britain. VN Engineers reviewed existing geotechnical data pertinent to the project and coordinated the final subsurface soil exploration. VN Performed boring stakeout at locations of all bridges, drainage structures, overhead sign supports, retaining walls and roadways within the project area in preparation to the final SSE program. Supervision of the drilling operations was provided along with field inspections of site soil and bedrock. Preparation and laboratory analysis of soil and rock samples collected from the vicinity of the various structures along the Busway alignment were conducted in order to provide geotechnical recommendations and parameters including soil and rock bearing capacity at each structure location.
Separate geotechnical reports were provided for each structure to be rehabilitated or constructed, additional reports were also submitted for recommendations regarding the roadway and retaining walls along the proposed busway alignment.

Metro-North Railroad Bridge Over the Norwalk River
VN Engineers performed geotechnical engineering services for this project so that design criteria for a new fender system and routing of a submarine signal and communications cable associated with the rehabilitation of the bridge could be established.
VN Engineers responsibilities included the analyzing of existing soils and foundation data and the preparation of a final subsurface exploration program. VN also supervised and coordinated the subsurface exploration program in the field, conducted an inspection of the final subsurface exploration program, prepared and analyzed all field and lab data and prepared a final structure report.
Additional Geotechnical Projects
C.E. Boss Co., Inc.
Eight story residential building atop existing New York Transit Authority subway structure, Brooklyn, NY. VN provided a battered minipile design to support the lateral wind loads.
East West Development Corp.
The Palisades -41 Story Luxury Residential Building involved spread footing design with uplift due to wind loads resisted with 40 feet deep rock anchors into the Palisades diabase bedrock. Fort Lee, NJ
Applied Development Co.
Harbor Spire, Jersey City, NJ - 50 Story Residential structure involved design of concrete caissons 4 to 8 feet in diameter embedded as much as 20 feet into bedrock.
Passaic General Hospital, Paterson, NJ
Five story addition involved design of underpinning for existing building and 3 feet diameter caissons embedded into bedrock.
A.O.R, Carlstadt, NJ
WADO Radio station –design of 10-inch diameter concrete filled pipe piles for 450 feet high tower and two towers 150 feet high. Foundations were installed atop the meadowlands salt marsh.
N.J Sports and Expo Authority, East Rutherford, NJ
Race Track light Stanchions – involved design of 4 feet diameter concrete caissons to support 90 feet high light towers over meadowlands clay.
The Tarquini Organization
11 story DRPA Headquarters Building, Camden, NJ – involved design of 10-inch diameter concrete filled pipe piles and inspection of the pile installation.
Applied Development Co.
11 Story residential high rise, Hoboken, NJ – involved the design and inspection of 10-inch diameter concrete filled pipe piles.
Yaboo Fence Co, Inc.
One Story storage facility, West Nyack, NY. Geotechnical report preparation for foundation design.
Gluckman Mayner Architects
Sub-Surface Investigation for Building renovation – 522 West 21st Street, Manhattan, NY Foundation type recommendation and design, estimate for post-construction settlements, seismic design criteria, test pits inspection.
Town of Orange, Connecticut
Sub-Surface Investigation for Conair Road and Robinson Blvd Reconstruction, Orange, CT. Included anticipation and management of groundwater, estimates of depth of excavation, evaluation of stability of soils.