Safe Routes to School, Statewide, CT
VN Engineers is currently working with the Connecticut Department of Transportation on a program that will encourage children in grades K-8 to walk and bike to school in a safe and fun manner. This program, Safe Routes to School (SRTS), is very beneficial for every stakeholder. It promotes healthy lifestyles and helps to increase children’s interest to learn in school. It also helps to reduce air pollution and traffic congestion and helps to increase neighborhood safety. VN Engineers, Inc. will be reaching out to all of Connecticut’s elementary and middle Schools to inform them about the program and to help them get their SRTS Program started. VN Engineers is reaching out to the schools and parents in various ways including phone calls, newsletters, SRTS website, public events, press releases, you tube videos, surveys and working with educational organizations such as the Parent Teacher Organization. Once a school expresses interest in starting a SRTS Program, VN will assist with their planning workshops, provide them with guidance on how to receive grants from different funding sources, conduct site assessments, conduct bicycle and pedestrian safety classes and help with the promotion and operation of their first walk to school day event.

Mobility Management Alternatives Study, SCRCOG Region, CT
VN Engineers is conducting a study to identify preferred strategies for coordinating transportation services for the elderly and persons with disabilities and communicating their availability to increase utilization. This study involves researching best practices used in other regions, developing a database of service providers, investigating strategies for improved provider communication/coordination, developing a communication plan for customer outreach and highlighting the recommended steps for implementing and maintaining a Mobility Management Program for the region.