VN Engineers Wins CSCE ACE Award For Transportation Management Plan

VN Engineers was challenged with researching and addressing various issues with the Lake Avenue and West Street Corridor that are very important to the City of Danbury and its’ surrounding region. The Lake Avenue – West Street Corridor, which is classified by ConnDOT as a principal arterial, is a major feeder road for I-84 as well as a major route to Danbury’s Downtown area.
The purpose of this study was to prepare a systematic assessment and prioritization of Lake Avenue and West Street transportation corridor needs, such that a well-organized final plan of implementation would be available for use in future funding prioritization for design and construction projects.
For this study, existing conditions information was obtained and reviewed including accident data, land use, and traffic volumes. Traffic volume data from the past 12 years was reviewed in order to project existing traffic volumes in the corridor to the future 2032 design year for additional analysis. An evaluation of the roadway network was performed which included capacity analysis and a review of roadway geometry and traffic control devices. The signalized intersections in the corridor were evaluated using SYNCHRO and estimated delays, volume to capacity ratios, and Levels of Service were reported for existing, 2032 “no-build” and 2032 “recommended” scenarios. The low clearance railroad bridge, located over West Street contributes to major operational, safety, drainage, and maintenance issues in the corridor. Solutions to alleviate some or all of the issues at this location were considered and discussed. Access management, along with pedestrian, transit, and bicycle accommodations were also reviewed and recommendations were made for improvements to improve mobility in the corridor for all modes of transportation. Recommendations to address safety, functionality, and aesthetics were all selected to complement each other and provide an updated vision for the corridor. The landscape architecture firm of DALA (Didona Associates Landscape Architecture) also participated on this study and provided a vision of the streetscape design and landscape architecture along the project.
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Expanded Services with Video and Web Site Production
Based on the needs of key engineering/architectural clients and state agencies, VN Engineers has expanded services to include high-quality video production and website development. Whether you are looking for a video to summarize a project, fulfill a community outreach effort or highlight an element for a project pitch, VN Engineers can help you with all your video and website efforts.
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