We offer roadway design services from corridor studies to the management of NEPA style preliminary engineering and environmental studies. We use an integrated team approach to the design process which draws from our construction management experience. With input from our construction staff, our designers are able to produce high quality constructible and biddable plans. Working as a subconsultant we have partnered with dozens of firms to provide traffic, M&PT/MOT, signal and lighting plans.

  • Planning Services (Roadway / Bike / Ped)
  • Traffic Impact Studies
  • Data Collection Origin and Destination Surveys
  • Parking Studies
  • Traffic Management Studies, Traffic Calming, Traffic Operations Studies
  • Traffic Safety Enhancement
  • GIS Mapping Services
  • Design of Signalization
  • Illumination Design
  • Tunnel Illumination
  • Parking Loading and Geometric Design
  • Signing and Pavement Markings
  • Maintenance and Protection of Traffic during Construction
  • Utility Coordination

    Spanish River Boulevard I-95 Interchange, Boca Raton, FL

    Design of Signing and Pavement Marking, Signalization and Lighting Design, including coordination with the FAA for the Boca Regional Airport. This project was converted to a Design Build Project and we are now working on the RFP, Criteria Package, and plan review.

    Bicycle-Pedestrian Safety Study, Greenwich, Stamford, Norwalk and Westport, CT

    South Western Regional Planning Agency. The purpose of this study is to analyze and recommend safety improvements to state highway segments in the South Western Region with elevated rates of bicycle and pedestrian accidents. VN is considering possible improvements for each corridor, preparing concept drawings for each project and location and presenting them with typical images or figures. A report will be delivered detailing the safety deficiencies and proposed counter measures.

    FDOT District IV Design Build SR-9, I-95 Widening at Various Locations

    VN Engineers is currently assisting C3TS as a DBE subconsultant in the design of the widening of SR 9/I-95 SR 70/Okeechobee Road to South of SR 614 / Indrio Road, in St. Lucie County. VN Engineers is responsible for the signing and marking, lighting and signalization design for the interchanges at SR 68 and SR 70. Both of these interchanges are being reconfigured to allow for improved traffic flow and ramp access.