VN Engineers working as a sub consultant to BSC was awarded 2018 ASCE Transportation award for Route 31 Roadway Reconstruction project in Coventry.
This project was a culmination of a truly interdisciplinary effort of engineering, ecological science, and landscape architecture services. Planned in 2003 and designed and constructed over the next decade and a half, the longevity and complexity of this project have been recognized by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) by being awarded the distinguished 2018 #Transportation Award on behalf of the Connecticut Society of Civil #Engineers. Perhaps one of the biggest drivers of the project was to revitalize the downtown area.
Through a series of public engagement activities, BSC captured the Town's wishes and provided significant #streetscape improvements that enhanced the village's historic and cultural character. Specific streetscape components include ornamental lighting, concrete sidewalks with accent strips, textured crosswalks, street trees, ground covers, and street furniture. Two gateway areas were also established, featuring a fountain, clock, and grinding wheel. Today, the roadway is home to new businesses and is a source of pride for residents.
VN Engineers provided decorative lighting design and we are honored to have been recognized by @ASCE.